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Rocklin Manufacturing Co.
110 South Jennings Street
Sioux City, IA 51101 USA
Toll Free: (800) 255-6046 
Phone: (712) 255-6046
Fax: (712) 252-5619

Full List of Rocklinizer Parts and Accessories:
110-120 volts (220-240 volt “E” models available)
950  ROCKLINIZER, #950-400A Rotary Applicator, Electrode Package, and Instruction Manual
850  ROCKLINIZER, #950-400 Rotary Applicator, Electrode Package, and Instruction Manual
micro  ROCKLINIZER, #950-400 Rotary Applicator, Electrode Package, and Instruction Manual
8209  Tungsten Carbide (Green) 1/4" dia.  x 2"
8210  Tungsten Carbide (Green) 3/16" dia.  x 2"
8211  Tungsten Carbide (Green) 1/8 " dia.  x 2"
8212  Tungsten Carbide (Green) 3/32" dia.  x 2"
8213  Tungsten Carbide (Green) 1/16" dia.  x 2"
9251  Titanium Carbide (Red) 3/16" dia.  x 2"
9252  Titanium Carbide (Red) 1/8 " dia.  x 2"
9253  Titanium Carbide(Red) 3/32" dia.  x 2"
9312  Rockhard (Blue) 1/8 " dia.  x 4"
9314  Rockhard (Blue) 3/16" dia.  x 4"
7505  Griptite (Black)   1/8" dia. x 4"
8335-A  Mini Electrode Holder - with 1 mini electrode of your choice:
8235  Tungsten Carbide (Green) .020" dia.  x 2"
8236  Tungsten Carbide (Green) .030" dia.  x 2"
8237  Tungsten Carbide (Green) .040" dia.  x 2"
950-400A  Rotary Applicator (for use with Model 950)
950-400  Rotary Applicator (for use with Models 850 / 800 / micro)
9250-A  Applicator (for use with Models 369 / 380 / 500 / 600)
950-450  Applicator Holster (specify applicator model type)
800-460  Magnetic Ground (for use with any Model)
400-401  Keyless Chuck (For Use With Any Model)
9400   Rocklinizer Cart (For Use With Any Model)