Rocklin Manufacturing Blog


Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 6/28/2023
Scratches, dents, and imperfections can damage molds and dies over time, compromising their functionality and efficiency. Traditional mold repair methods often involve time-consuming processes, significant costs, and the potential for damage to adjacent areas. Portable micro welding via the MoldMender Micro Welder revolutionizes mold and die repairs by utilizing a low heat, non-arcing, resistance welding process that’s ideal for small repair issues.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 10/29/2019
We constantly have customers who purchase the Rocklinizer Carbide Application Equipment for a pressing need and then find more and more uses in their operation. Just where can the Rocklinizer be used to achieve optimal wear resistance, machine life, or gripping? This one-pager tells the story from A to Z.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 7/1/2019
For the fourth year, we proudly exhibited at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas, in May. Sparks and marks from the Rocklinizer and FlyMarker were the big draws to our booth, but there was a lot of interest across all of our products.
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