Rocklin Manufacturing Blog


Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 3/23/2021
Introducing the first ever battery-operated carbide applicator, the Rocklinizer® micro (patent pending). Built on decades of proven technology, our Rocklinizer® spark deposition process applies extremely hard and wear resistant coatings ranging from 60 to 80 HRC onto metals, tools, and dies.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 12/4/2020
If there’s one thing everyone can agree on, it’s that this year hasn’t exactly gone as planned. What started off relatively normal quickly took a detour. As a company with an 86-year history, we’ve navigated other crises in the past, including the forming of our company during the height of the Great Depression and our support of the WWII effort. While this crisis has been unlike any other, fortunately we’re still here and very much focused on the future.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 10/21/2020
We often get questions asking what Rocklinizing is. People see sparks flying at a trade show and they’re intrigued. Is it EDM? No, it’s actually adding material. Is it a welder? No, not quite. Is it a sparkler? No, we don’t sell fireworks…
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 8/14/2020
Die casters are seeking ways to minimize downtime and repair costs while at the same time delaying new die investments. The goal is to squeeze the most out of existing resources while keeping capital expenses and ongoing maintenance costs to an absolute minimum. How does the Rocklinizer Carbide Application Equipment accomplish all of this? Read our Die Casting Engineer editorial to see how...
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 8/3/2020
"In my business life, I’ve learned that flexibility and the willingness to stick to a task that you believe in are the most important characteristics of an entrepreneur. If you love what you do, believe in it, and strive for excellence, who can stand in your way?"
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 5/13/2020
The last thing any company wants to do now is invest in expensive machinery like a new die or mold. The goal is to get the most out of existing resources by keeping costs such as new equipment, downtime, and inventory to an absolute minimum. This can all be achieved through the use of carbide application equipment. By applying a very hard and wear resistant surface to metals, tools and dies, you will protect your tools and dies against wear, restore tolerances, and even enhance gripping, all of which saves precious cash.
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