Rocklin Manufacturing Blog

Ross Rocklin

Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 7/6/2023
Take a look at the following gallery where you’ll see the FlyMarker® mini dot peen marking in action. Then get in touch for your on-site demo if you want to bring portable, permanent marking to your facility.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 6/28/2023
Scratches, dents, and imperfections can damage molds and dies over time, compromising their functionality and efficiency. Traditional mold repair methods often involve time-consuming processes, significant costs, and the potential for damage to adjacent areas. Portable micro welding via the MoldMender Micro Welder revolutionizes mold and die repairs by utilizing a low heat, non-arcing, resistance welding process that’s ideal for small repair issues.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 6/22/2023
On May 19th, the Sioux City Historic Preservation Commission awarded us with their “Treasure of Sioux City Award” for the historic renovation of our 1912 building. The original birthplace of Sioux Tools, our home for the past 81 years has the truly unique claim of supporting both world wars within its walls.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 4/25/2023
The oil and gas industry requires strict quality control, traceability, and inventory tracking to ensure the safe and efficient operation of essential energy infrastructure. One of the most important aspects of maintaining these standards is the ability to mark and identify products accurately and permanently, which is where portable dot peen and portable laser marking come into play.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 3/8/2023
Electrospark deposition (ESD) is a process that involves the use of an electric spark to deposit material onto a surface. This process has several benefits over traditional manufacturing techniques, making it a valuable tool in a variety of industries.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 3/2/2023
Catalytic converters have become a prime target for theft in recent years, mainly due to the valuable metals contained inside, such as platinum, rhodium, and palladium. The problem has become so severe that law enforcement and other government authorities are stepping up measures to prevent it. One such measure is the use of dot peen marking, which offers several benefits in preventing catalytic converter theft.
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