Sample Rocklinizer Customers
TG Missouri Corporation
Perryville, MO
Having been in the stamping industry for many years, I recognize the value – and time savings – your products can produce. We have used the Rocklinizer to fit loose die buttons, for slug retention, and for oil breaks on form dies. The advantage of being small enough to be portable has proven itself several times. We were able to service dies while in the press, allowing minimal lost production time. I estimate the purchase price of the Rocklinizer was recovered in less than 6 months. Your products are a “must have” for any die shop. With today’s tight economy, time is one element we can be competitive with, and the Rocklinizer can be a great time saver. Thanks for being there with a quality product.
Paul Reichle
Tooling Engineer
Univertical Corporation
Angola, IN
We originally bought the Rocklinizer to put a textured finish on our machined rolls for our hot rolling mill. We machine the rolls to remove oxide build up. When the rolls are freshly machined, getting a bar to start is difficult due to slippage. We use the Rockhard 3/16” electrodes and apply a layer on the rolls. This greatly helps us in getting new sets of rolls to run. Since we bought the Rocklinizer, we have found many other applications in our facility. We applied a finish to the feed wheels on our rotary shearing machines, coated the jaws of one of our lathes and have used it to build up a layer on a shaft before we pressed it into a flywheel. We have been very happy with the Rocklinizer since we purchased it. We continue to find other applications for it. Thanks for a great product!
Robert Green
Engineering Manager
Roller Die & Forming
Louisville, KY
We have been using the Rocklinizer for approximately 8 months now and we find it indispensable in our tooling maintenance operation. This is the third company that I have worked for, that I have brought this technology to. Our biggest use is on punches. We punch a tremendous amount of high strength steels and in the past have had problems with slugs “pulling” and not ejecting properly. With a couple of well-placed touches with the tungsten carbide, the problem goes away, and we have noticed increased die life.
Jack Pennuto
VP Technical Services
S & K Products Company
Coldwater, OH
We purchased our Rocklinizer unit a couple years ago and even though we had tried some samples before purchasing the unit, we were still a little apprehensive about the long term durability of the coating. I just want to let you know that I am now convinced that the coating is durable. We were having particular trouble with a wipe down block getting galled up on one of our tools. We had tried various other coatings on the block with minimal success. We then applied the Tungsten Carbide coating with the Rocklinizer and haven’t touched the block in over a year. Our toolrooom personnel like the ease-of-use of the unit and just having this ability to coat the items in-house saves a lot of headaches. We now use the coating on a lot of our extrusion punches, curl rollers and wipe down blocks.
Andy Will
Operations Manager
BCI Collet, Inc.
Westland, MI
We have been using your Rocklinizer and have been quite pleased with this Rockhard application equipment. The product has been very dependable and perfect for obtaining a better gripping surface for our collets.
We have recently purchased (3) new machines giving us a total of 6 machines. This purchase was required because of our volume of work and Rocklin was chosen because of our previous success with current equipment.
Thanks for providing a good product.
Richard Baruk
Joy Cone Co.
Hermitage, PA
The Rocklinizer is one of the best investments I have ever made for use in our shop.
We have used it for hardening bearing surfaces, cutting tools, dimensional build-ups, and wear surfaces, just to name a few. It is a great money and time saving device.
If I told you how much money and time it has saved me, you probably wouldn’t believe it. I purchased another for our Flagstaff, AZ facility and they’re more than satisfied with its performance. Thanks for providing us with a great product.
Rick Wachter
Machine Shop Supervisor
Morgood Tools, Inc.
Rochester, NY
We had a differential that was taken undersize on one dimension. By applying the tungsten carbide on the problem area, we were able to regrind the dimension and make it within the desired tolerance. Also, the customer was very impressed with the application of the Rocklinizer and its ability to salvage undersized dimensions.
Another example of the worth of the Rocklinizer was when a number of parts were taken undersize on an inside diameter of a gear. The parts were only a few ten thousandths out of tolerance. By applying the tungsten carbide to the diameter we were able to use the parts and not scrap any of them. Just in those two scenarios Morgood Tools was able to save significant time and money.
From adding a better gripping surface to collets to building up undersize drill shanks, it has performed well. We have also used it to build up oversize conditions on the I.D. of bearings and fixtures.
The ability of the Rocklinizer to add as little as .0001” has been a very useful tool.
We would just like to thank your company for making a quality product with many different applications.
Robert Martin, Quality Inspector
John Gunn, Q.A. Manager